
3 Benefits of Using Microsites in Your Fund Marketing Campaigns

Microsites have long played a part in the digital marketing toolbox. They are designed to be small, separate entities and usually take the form of a small number of pages, maybe even a single web page. They are often segmented away from a main website and hosted on a sub domain (e.g. http://campaign.yourwebsite.com) or perhaps a unique domain name for extra impact. Global consumer brands often use microsites targeted at age-specific audiences and are either designed to go viral through competitions or humour.

Microsites can be used to emphasis a special campaign, but can also be used in instances like housing an illustration tool, highlighting a new product, showcasing an interactive infographic and even exhibiting a recently-launched CSR project. Of course, there are special benefits of creating a microsite for purposes like the ones mentioned. Here are three advantages of using a microsite in your next fund marketing campaign:

Attract new audiences

The average age of a user to your main site might surprise you. By catering to a specific audiences’ interests, a microsite could be an opportunity to chase new demographics. Through a microsite, you’re able to provide investors and advisors with the info they they want and need in a comprehensive manner. No distraction from what matters most.

Accurately measure the success of a campaign

Much like landing pages with forms, a separate microsite can be measured and segmented very easily with the help of Google Analytics and your marketing automation platform. Additionally, they can be promoted through PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Adwords or Adroll, just to name a couple

Boost your search engine optimization

Your SEO will benefit with the use of specific domains or sub-domains pertinent to your campaign as well as long tail search terms and keywords. Remember that a microsite needs inbound and outbound links from other high-quality sites to increase its Page Rank in Google.

Some examples of great fund manager microsites

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Download the whitepaper to learn about the other advantages of incorporating microsites into your fund marketing strategy.
