
Optimization & User Tracking: A Cutting-Edge Technique to Improve Fund Marketing [Series]

The range of digital marketing tools we have at our disposal is getting bigger every year. But sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the innovation that’s happening around us, and more specifically how these tools can play a part within a given industry such as investment management. In this four part series, we take a look at a cutting-edge digital marketing techniques that could be used in the fund management world and throw in some examples to help you picture it. In this second installment of the series, we cover website optimization and user tracking.
Webpage optimization and user experience tracking could be one of the smartest decisions you ever make with your website.


Webpage optimization can increase site traffic and conversions by allowing you to test different pages, while still using the same URL. A/B testing (also called split testing) webpages allows you to experiment with design or content changes that can have a significant impact on conversions. When someone refers to A/B testing we usually think of email marketing, but there are services that let you split test your landing pages and even your home page. Multivariate testing takes this even further with multiple variations of webpages to test performance.
If you have a range of investment products for example, you could experiment by making a series of layout variations to give certain investments more prominence. By slowly testing and experimenting you can refine your marketing to eliminate valuable real estate on your home page on less successful products.
Read this great article from HubSpot: 5 Landing Page A/B Tests (And Their Surprising Results)

User Tracking

User experiencing tracking shows how your users are viewing and interacting with your website and gives you in-page analytics. Tracking tools like MouseFlow can tell you the exact journey a user takes on your website by recording their mouse movements into screencasts and heatmaps. You can see what they are hovering around, clicking on and the route they take before exiting.
This kind of analytical information can be invaluable to an investment website – are your visitors just looking at your fund prices and performance and then exiting? Could you reposition your industry insights or news to better align with your fund data?
Check out this article: 14 tools that reveal why potential customers abandon your website

Benefits from Optimization and User Tracking

  • Ability to run A/B split tests on webpages — for example, target financial advisors and personal investors separately
  • Allows marketers to generate online content like lead generation forms without coding
  • Dynamic text replacement can insert keywords from your online ads into the landing pages (e.g. a campaign for investment trusts)

Services to consider

Fund Marketing Example

If you’re an asset manager with a large range of investment products, you’re probably trying to give them all equal attention on your homepage using large carousels or hero images. What if you’re able to create separate home pages that give more priority on say mutual funds, then one for pensions and one for life insurance? Or you could test between home pages with the same content but arranged differently – one in a long form style for scrollers and a more condensed version.
These two techniques work together to help measure the success of each webpage and allow you to refine your marketing strategy with metrics to back up decisions. Read our first article in the series and discover another innovative method to refine the marketing at your fund firm.
