
See all of your fund data in one aggregated view

An integral part of the FundPress app is the ‘Funds’ tab within the data hub. Within this section, you can manage all properties, allocations, statistics and timeseries data associated with Fund, Class or Benchmark entities.

You have the ability to toggle between the options on the top toolbar of the Fund Data Management window. 

You can easily navigate through your fund information, using type-ahead search functionality, to pinpoint a particular fund against the filters that catalogue the information on this main page. This can be done by searching for the fund’s Short Name, Long Name or Code, or a specific ISIN for example.

After searching for the correct fund by selecting it in the mainframe a more detailed side window will open. Within this pop-out window will be a breakdown of the funds’ properties which may include components like:

  • Fund Name
  • Short Code
  • Unique ID
  • Share Class Name
  • Allocation Data
  • Bond Quality
  • Sector Breakdown
  • Timeseries Data

You can add new properties as well as add data to an existing property directly in the Fund Data Management Module. You can also edit the data associated with a specific property.

To be able to view and manage all of your fund and share class information in one destination is of utmost importance. FundPress’ ‘Fund Data Management’ tab makes this possible and easy to do.

Visit the FundPress page for more information and to request a demo.
