
Manage your global data properties with FundPress translations

If you’re working with fund data across multiple countries, then you’ll already be familiar with translations and probably a translation vendor, but they might not be centrally housed with all your data in one place. That’s where FundPress translations can help. Translations can be fully maintained in FundPress, to ensure that your publicly facing website functions correctly on an international level.

By clicking on the ‘Translations’ tab in the left-hand toolbar on the main page, within the Data Hub section, the user can see exactly how their data labels are shown across all of their digital properties (websites, fund tools, fund explorers etc.) in different languages, in one aggregate view. The tab is extremely robust and fully maintainable. Once new labels get added to your website, gaps in the translation fields become readily apparent.

You can add in your necessary translations manually by clicking the ‘Plus’ button on the top right of the tab, and entering the original phrase, and its appropriate translation culture. As always, the cloud-based system of FundPress allows different users to modify and update missing translation fields. Here is how to do it: 

  • Choose a particular data label that is missing a translation
  • Make sure the ‘enable editing’ slide bar is activated
  • Type the correct translation for that data label. FundPress offers a range of languages including French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese
  • Click the ‘save’ button to update the translation

The translation will then automatically go live to the appropriate digital property, in real time. By making translations apply to websites and fund tools, all of your data labels can become accessible to the global market. Using FundPress to manage your translations is thus very much a simple, easy solution for you and your firm.
Visit the FundPress page for more information and to request a demo.
